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  • Writer's pictureThe Perception Team

Impact February 2013



Our 2013 focus

Over the last month I have been reflecting on the past year and praying for what God will bring our way in 2013. As I've looked back at our Ministry Partners we've served, I can see that our impact has been significantly greater with the ministries we've partnered with for two years or longer. So, for 2013 we will focus more time and resources on the ministries we're currently partnering with and less time on short-term projects and events.

Our overall fundraising goal for 2013 is to raise $275,000 for our Ministry Partners. In January we got off to a great start raising over $38,000. I rejoice in knowing that these funds are being used to share the hope and truth of Jesus Christ all over world.



Upcoming ministry opportunities

Our dear friends Dave & Rivers Partin who have been in Budapest, Hungary for the last four years serving along side Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) are moving back to the US to plant a Church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. During this move we'll be assisting them by transitioning all of their financial support to Perception Funding for two years, covering the moving costs and helping them find a vehicle or two. Please join us in prayer as this is now just beginning and there are a lot of moving pieces that need to come together for this transition to be smooth. Read more about the Partin's Journey.

Pray for our upcoming immersion trip to Costa Rica. While there we will work side-by-side with giveDIGNITY, our Ministry Partner of three and half years. Pray for the fifteen volunteers who will be joining us on this trip, pray that God will be preparing their hearts and minds for the work we will be doing. Read more about giveDIGNITY.


Find out how you can financially support Perception Funding.


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